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HUD/State requirements

If your client is receiving a rental subsidy or housing voucher that is funded by state or federal funds (Housing Choice Voucher program, Section 811, Rapid Re-housing, CoC rental assistance) they will need to complete a recertification each year to preserve their subsidy. The process requires the tenant to submit income and assets and other documentation to verify on-going eligibility.

Also required is either an annual or biennial inspection of the assisted unit to ensure that households are living in safe homes. It is important that you, as the case manager, and your client, knows what type of voucher they have been awarded as the regulations and requirements vary from program to program. The Rhode Island Housing website has all the CoC forms for the rental assistance programs.

As background, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more commonly known as HUD, helps people who need assistance find housing that’s both decent and affordable. Part of determining which properties qualify is the HUD home inspection. Each unit rented must meet HUD standards. These standards are known as basic Housing Quality Standards, or HQS. Click here for a copy of the inspection checklist.

HQS sets the standard of quality, which HUD has determined is the minimum necessary for the health and safety of residents.

Because the Housing Choice Voucher and other federal rental assistance subsidies require a household to be below a certain income and meet other qualifications, HUD requires housing authorities to verify the households eligibility each year. This process is called a recertification and requires the tenant to submit income documentation and other documentation to verify on-going eligibility. Here is a copy of the recertification packet or interim recertification packet which is required if income or assets change in-between the yearly recertification process.

Note: Flagging these dates is critical because not submitting these documents when they are due can lead to the loss of the voucher for your client so it is critical for you, and your client, to note the dates the inspection and recertification are due and make sure the paper work is completed on time.